What Attendee Say:

“I like that the class opens my eyes about stuff that I would never think about. It’s all understanding and awesome stuff that he talks about.” “I’m able to be more assertive to myself and the people in my circle through the stimulation of knowledge and wisdom I receive from the videos. I appreciate the class as it gives me time in my busy day to deal with the reality of life: myself.”

F. Lee (Zoom PEP Attendee)

I discovered the Free PEP program through a Facebook ad in 2022 and am grateful for the support in completing the 10-lesson self-discovery course. The program offers lasting insights into understanding and accepting oneself, which I now apply in daily life. Mr. Prem Rawat’s unique thoughts helped me see beyond self-created misery and societal illusions. We often follow others blindly, neglecting our own fulfillment. This program taught me to appreciate each day and use my time wisely. I’ve gained courage, clarity, and inner strength, making better choices instead of reacting emotionally. The online Zoom format is convenient and saves travel time. I’m thankful for this option.

Sydney Peh (Zoom PEP Attendee)

I chanced upon SFi in early 2023 and found out about the Free PEP. It's facilitated by volunteers who shared videos and excerpts weekly over 10 weeks. Participants will do reflection after viewing and share our takeaway later. The sharing sessions further enriched our understanding about the theme for discussion. There was a very thought provoking theme which made me sit up. I embarked on some soul searching as a result. Have I found solution to my anxiety? The answer is positive. PEP marked the beginning of the next chapter of my life and I hope to become a better version of myself in time to come. Thank you PEP & SFi 🙏🏻

Parent of PEP Attendee

Something that the Peace Education Program does is connect you to something bigger, a bigger sense of community, while also showing you that you have the responsibility in yourself, and you have the power in yourself.

Rhiannon S - (PEP Attendee)

This class gives me a chance to see the other side of life the way it should be. I’ve learned that you can do anything that you put your mind to and become that person that you knew you were all this time.

SFi Facebook Page

More attendee feedback and PEP workshop activities are constantly updated on our official Facebook page. You’re welcome to check it out : )

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